Do you remember your anti-drug education? Remember when your school used to try to scare you straight?
Well, times are changing...
A British Columbia high school guest speaker handed out "safer snorting kits" to minors, including "straws and wallet-sized cards for cutting powder into snortable lines," during a presentation about harm reduction and drug prevention.
The Vancouver Sun reported that these kits came with a booklet titled "Staying Safe When You're Snorting," which contained helpful tips on having sex while high and sharing equipment!

The booklet also provided useful information and guidance on various drugs that can be snorted through the device, such as fentanyl, cocaine, crystal meth, and ketamine.
You may be new to snorting drugs or have snorted drugs for many years. Either way, this resource has something for you.
One tip reads:
Have condoms and lube with you. You may want to have sex while high.
And they sure know how to target kids! Another tip advises the kids to decorate their snorting equipment... what kid can resist glitter and stickers?!
Adding a personal touch to your snorting equipment will help you better recognize your own when using with others.
Aaron Gunn, a conservative and sane-minded journalist in BC, first broke this story with the following tweet:
When I was in high school, we heard from powerful guest speakers on why doing hard drugs had very serious (and potentially deadly) consequences.
Today in British Columbia, (and, in this specific case, a high school in the Cowichan Valley) they are handing out "safer snorting" kits to children as young as 15...
Since this insanity leaked, the Cowichan Valley School District has confirmed it all and is now investigating the incident.
The school's officials blame a "third party," saying the kits were not part of a district policy.
We were recently made aware of materials that were left at one of our school sites from a third-party harm reduction and drug addiction presentation that we do not consider school or age appropriate.

This school barely apologized, and to make matters worse, guess who manufactured the booklets?
Government-funded groups, of course!
The Public Health Agency of Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Health are manufacturing the booklets, which are being distributed by the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE).
Oh, but don't worry! The province-run BC Centre for Disease Control is "pleased" to say that drug-snorting straws are offered in biodegradable paper rather than single-use plastic!

This isn't the first time a Canadian school has gone completely insane (to no one's surprise).
Last year, a student at an Ontario school, York University, went viral with over 1.2 million views after posting that the Toronto school was handing out "coke kits."
Other schools now have an on-campus Harm Reduction Centre.
The University of Victoria offers free, no-limit, no-questions-asked packages of "safer snorting supplies," "safer injection supplies," and "safer smoking supplies."
We won't ask you for ID when you order or pick up your supplies. Plus, supplies come in non-identifiable packaging.
Back in March, a nurse was invited to speak to grade eight students at a Fort Nelson, B.C., school that [graphic sex descriptions in the following link] handed out cards containing descriptions of extreme sex acts such as "snowballing," "glory hole," and "felching."
Canada is grappling with widespread drug use, and the BC government is fueling the fire with the decriminalization of possessing small amounts of illegal substances.
Decriminalization is one thing, but Canadian schools are now basically putting drugs and illicit materials right into kids' hands.
This is getting scary.