Report: Canadian taxpayers are covering the costs of adult products for minors

Do you know where your tax dollars are going?

Well, in Canada, it turns out we're up here footing the bill for organizations like South Shore Sexual Health.

[General sexual content warning, this story is obviously not for kids]

In an exclusive report by True North, we learned that South Shore Sexual Health is a Nova Scotia tax-funded organization that hands out "safer sex supplies" like lubricants, flavored oral sex dams (yes, I had to Google what that was...), gloves (🤔?) and other adult products.

They offer all this stuff to minors free of charge.

South Shore Sexual Health is an educational and resource center that prides itself on being "free, non-judgemental, and confidential for all ages and genders."

We give out free health supplies to all ages and genders when resources permit. Reach out to us if you need anything and we'll let you know if we're able to fulfill your request.

South Shore Sexual Health

One of the organization's free, "all-ages" programs is called the "Transformation Closet," which, you guessed it, helps transgender individuals (including children) with "gender-affirming care."

The Transformation Closet is described as a small boutique that offers gender-affirming items to "help you on your gender journey," including chest binders, prosthetic penises, Trans Tape, and so much more.

South Shore Sexual Health

Not only does South Shore Sexual Health provide "therapeutic toys," they also help guide and support you by teaching you how to use them and how to explore "your body with love."

And guess what?!

Don't worry, kids. You won't need parental permission or supervision. Just reach out or come on by! 🙃

As their Q&A page states:

Q: Do I need my parents' permission to get a binder?

A: No, it is not a medical device, so anyone can use a binder safely with the appropriate education. That means we will give you some pointers if it's your first binder, as well as washing tips. We also encourage you to return it for a different size if you outgrow that one.

The page also states that there really is no age limit - Nova Scotia has no age for medical consent. All they need is "informed consent," where a practitioner makes a "judgment call" on whether or not the child is a "mature minor."

Again, don't worry. They WILL NOT call your parents...

And if you, for example, are too young to drive or take a bus alone, they will even come to you!

If you're in school, we can arrange to meet with you in a private office. This might be a guidance or student support office. We come to different communities and can also do drop offs at a location that is ok with you. We will meet people in any safe and private space at an organization or agency of your choice.

They are all about "sex positivity," which apparently includes "asexuality and other sexualities like demisexual and grey sexual," whatever that is...

And if all that sex positivity gets you in a situation you are not prepared for, South Shore Sexual Health will point you in the right direction for an abortion, offering a toll-free number to call.

Dear fellow Canadians, these are your tax dollars at work.

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