A top Canadian university is outdoing itself with its new Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) style guide!
The University of Guelph's new style guide suggests you should use "they/them" pronouns when referring to animals because, according to them, animals do not have genders...

A note about animals: Animals have sex, not gender. Use the pronouns they/them/their to refer to an animal.
Guelph's SOGI style guide explains that it could be okay to use gendered pronouns when it "seems appropriate to humanize the animal."
She or he (her/him/his) is appropriate if used in a quote, if used in the kind of story where it seems appropriate to humanize the animal, or where the sex is known: The queen bee left her hive. The stag charged at his rival.
The woke style guide emphasizes the "aim to use inclusive language," using gender-neutral terms and "gender-affirming pronouns" such as they/them, ze/sir, and fae/faer.
Super weird that my autocorrect keeps highlighting that nonsense above...👆🤷♀️
The guide spits out a lot more nonsense about avoiding words that imply there are two sexes or genders, and they're even telling you to stay away from comments that contain the word "man."
Binary language implies only two sexes and/or genders. Avoid references to "both sexes/genders," "either sex/gender," or "opposite sex/gender." Instead, use the phrase "all sexes/genders" (depending on context and what is being communicated).
When writing speeches or addressing formal audiences, use inclusive, gender-neutral language such as "welcome to all our guests" or "distinguished guests." Avoid addressing a crowd as "ladies and gentlemen."
Consider other gender-neutral words as follows: Police officer, firefighter, flight attendant, letter carrier, server (instead of hostess), massage therapist (instead of masseuse), garment worker (instead of seamstress)
Use chair instead of chairman. Rather than man or mankind, use person, individual, people, human beings, humanity. Rather than man-made, use artificial, constructed, manufactured.
Have you had enough of this yet?
But it keeps going, my friend!
It's more of the new-same-old craziness, like avoiding using "gender-specific words related to women." Yup, they are going after the unique identity and the general description and idea of a woman.

You shouldn't say "actress" because that is obviously offensive, and you can't just go ahead and assume someone's gender these days! Use "actor" instead or "server" instead of "waitress," "birth name" instead of "maiden name," and "first language" instead of "mother tongue."

This type of stuff is being accepted and pushed more and more. It is becoming the official style guide of universities across Canada... YIKES.
Canada is just pumping out a crap ton of woke idiots who won't be able to communicate clearly in society without the fear of offending someone and eventually involuntarily combusting...