Here's what happens to your kids if you let them become "tablet kids"
· Aug 14, 2024 ·

I know half of you are going to be like, No, duh when you see this story, but the other half are going to have to really dig deep here and make a difficult decision.

Check this out, CBS News ran a story about "tablet kids" and it needs to be seen by all parents of little ones:

According to this study, if you give your kids a tablet just a little over an hour a day, you create unsocialized, tech-dependent, angry kids. Then, instead of taking away the tablet when they're older, parents instead increase their children's time on the tablet because those are the times when they aren't angry.

It's a vicious cycle.

Here's what the study concluded:

In this study, child tablet use at age 3.5 years was associated with more expressions of anger and frustration by the age of 4.5 years. Child proneness to anger/frustration at age 4.5 years was then associated with more use of tablets by age 5.5 years. These results suggest that early-childhood tablet use may contribute to a cycle that is deleterious for emotional regulation.

Parents are having kids, but they aren't raising them. Tablet kids, as they are known online, do not grow up with the ability to regulate their emotions.

Kids aren't being parented, they aren't being trained, and this isn't good for anyone.

Raise your kids, people!

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