WOW: Check out these incredible architectural designs created by AI
· Sep 7, 2023 ·

Could artificial intelligence be the future of architecture?

Looking at these designs, I HOPE SO!

Sure, I don't want AI taking all our jobs and leaving us pathetic humans with nothing, BUT you have to admit these are pretty darn impressive:

Renowned architect Tim Fu has recently invented "Neoclassical Futurism."

The images above have been created by a sophisticated machine design program known as Midjourney. They showcase a blend of both vintage and contemporary elements.

I, for one, would take these "neoclassical futurism" structures over our typical modern cold, soulless glass and metal high-rises any day!

Tim Fu's decision to leave the renowned Zaha Hadid architecture firm stemmed from his response to the emergence of generative AI, which motivated him to question traditional architectural methods.

He has dedicated himself to establishing artificial intelligence-driven design and engineering standards for global architecture.

Due to the emergence of generative AI, I felt compelled to rethink how architecture is practiced. The typical design firm is top-down and human-driven, but I want to explore the radical alternative; I want to push the machine's creative autonomy. With my own firm, I will be able to restructure the design and building process in ways never seen before.

Fu's new AI designs stand out from modern-day architecture due to his perspective on what he considers the "beautiful parts" of architecture.

Fu values the craftsmanship of hand-carving stone with traditional tools over artistic design. He argues that no machine can match a skilled stonemason's precision and human touch, highlighting this work as one of the earliest and most deeply human crafts developed in human society.

We love Renaissance cathedrals so much, yet we're building boxes everywhere. So why not bring back ornamentation, bring back the beauty and the aesthetics that we once held so highly in the classical era, and also allow machines to continue to fabricate and produce feasibly for us and free us up to do the more intricate and beautiful parts?

Fu says he is "celebrating maximalism and trying to bring back these essential beauties that we see in old architecture."

I hope to usher in more ornamentation and move away from the minimalism that was ushered in by the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was about human ideation and machine fabrication, AI allowed [sic] us to put the machine at the ideation phase so that potentially we can use human fabrication instead and revert the role of the two.

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