Remember how Joe Biden and the Dems want to spend trillions we don't have on "infrastructure"?
Well, check out the final draft of the roughly $1 trillion proposal as it goes to the Senate this week for deliberation:
Let's enhance this sucker:
E N H A N C E!!!

Are you wondering what is in all 2,702 pages of this absolute fiscal train wreck?
First, there's the actual infrastructure, as reported by Breitbart when they released a leaked copy ahead of the official copy on Saturday evening:
Notably, the bill contains a large carveout for an "Alaska Highway" that would likely benefit Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).
The bill also contains funding for "high priority corridors on the national highway system," including the United States route 421 from the interchange with Interstate Route 85 in Greensboro, North Carolina, to the interchange in Interstate 95 in Dunn, North Carolina.
The provision appears to benefit Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Richard Burr's (R-NC) home state of North Carolina. Burr and Tillis were lead Republican negotiators on the bipartisan bill.
The over 2,000-page bill also contains provisions that would help Sen. Bill Cassidy's state of Louisiana, who is also a lead GOP negotiator on the bipartisan bill.
The bill grants funding to a high priority corridor that goes through Louisiana.
Then there's a provision on climate change, because of course there is.
The bill also contains a state-mandated carbon reduction program on page 332:
"(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act of 2021, a State, in consultation with any metropolitan planning organization designated within the State, shall develop a carbon reduction strategy in accordance with this subsection."
But wait, there's more! Get ready for BUSING EQUITY!
Section 11523 addresses "over-the-road bus tolling equity," to which if:
"(T)he Secretary determines that a public authority described in clause (i) has not complied with this paragraph, the Secretary may require the public authority to discontinue collecting tolls until an agreement with the Secretary is reached to achieve compliance."
BUT WAIT! For a limited time only, there's MORE!

The bill also requires the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to conduct a study on the enhanced unemployment benefits that came from the Democrats' $1.9 trillion coronavirus aid bill, also known as the American Rescue Plan.
The legislation also requires the Secretary of Energy to conduct a study on the projected job losses and impacts from the Biden administration's cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Not only is the federal government going to shell out trillions of dollars while killing jobs and spiking inflation, but they're going to study how those actions hurt everyone with even MORE of your money!
Overall, the plan will also spend $110 billion for roads and bridges, $66 billion for trains, $55 billion for water and wastewater systems, and $39 billion for public transit. Sprinkled in will be many "equitable" [read: Marxist] programs designed to undermine the Constitution, the sovereignty of the states, and the rights of the people.
At least, that's all we can assume. Neither I nor any U.S. senator who is considering the measure has had time to read the dang beast.

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P.S. While you're here, watch our latest video and learn how to speak Bidenese: