Check out the violent cartoons Hamas shows kids
· Jun 4, 2021 ·

America's cartoons are increasingly going woke, with Rugrats and Blues Clues added to the list you should never show your kids.

As bad as our wokesanity is, at least it isn't as bad as what Hamas (the Palestinian Islamic terror outfit) shows kids. Here's a cartoon published on Thursday to their Telegram account:

How crazy is that?? They even have cartoony soundbites to accompany a boulder smashing into the Israeli vehicle, like you'd see on Looney Tunes.

The message at the end reads, "The resistance is will and innovation."

This is the type of indoctrination that Palestinian kids see every day from an early age.

The Daily Caller noted that these cartoons date back over a decade, an run alongside children's camps where kids are taught how to be terrorists:

Hamas has held terrorist training summer camps for children in the past, as reported by Times of Israel, where young Palestinians were taught how to carry out kidnappings of Israeli soldiers, use firearms, and infiltrate Israel through underground tunnels the terror group digs.

According to the Times of Israel, such camps occur every year and aim to prepare the next generation of Palestinian youth for conflict with Israel.

Besides the summer camps, the group features children and teens dressed in military gear and carrying toy weapons as part of its propaganda. The group also incites minors and promotes the admiration of militants through means accessible to them, notably cartoons and T.V. shows. Such use of cartoons by the group goes as far back as the Bush era.

It's on TV, it's on their social feeds, it's in their toy stores, and it's in their school curriculum.

Until critics of Israel loudly speak out against Hamas teaching kids that everything from Molotov cocktails to all-out genocide is okay, I won't take a word they say seriously.

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