Chicago seriously might start requiring cops to get permission from a supervisor before chasing a suspect on foot
· Apr 22, 2021 ·

Here is the latest brilliant idea from Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to make sure violent crime in her city continues to sustain itself at third-world-country levels:

CHICAGO - Mayor Lori Lightfoot is considering a momentous change to Chicago police procedure: requiring officers to get a supervisor's permission before beginning a foot chase.

"No one should die as a result of a foot chase," she said.

The mayor promised to announce details of a new policy "soon."

If you look up causes of death in the world, "foot chase" will return approximately zero.

Rewriting police policy on all foot chases has now become a hot topic at City Hall. Alderman Brian Hopkins says an official in the mayor's office told him officers could soon be required prior to a foot chase to do what is now required before a vehicle chase: getting permission from higher ups.

"Of course that raises obvious problems," Hopkins said. "In the time it would take to do that, the person you're supposed to be chasing is actually long gone. The point would be moot then."

YA THINK???!?!?

And I just learned, from that paragraph above, that Chicago officers must be granted permission before engaging in a vehicle chase. How in the name of everything good in this world is that an advantageous policy to anyone but criminals?

Hopkins noted one unintended consequence of the vehicle pursuit policy.

"We're seeing more vehicles flee from police officers because word has gotten out that they're probably not going to get permission to chase you," he said.

The mayor acknowledged the dilemma on Monday.

"I don't want people out there who are dangerous to think, ‘well, if I just run, then I'm safe. I can continue to wreak havoc.' We can't live in that world either," Lightfoot said.

If you were a violent criminal driving a car and a squad car behind you flicked on their lights and you knew that they were not allowed to pursue you without asking for and being granted permission ... what would you do?

It doesn't take a mental giant to figure this out. It's the Year of Jubilee for Chicago criminals.

Meanwhile, more than HALF of Chicago homicides went unsolved in 2019.

That's apparently not enough for Mayor Lightbrain.

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