Nothing says education quite like abortions, services for migrants, and LGBTQ training. At least, that is, if you're doing education in Chicago.
F'real, the Chicago Teachers Union is not only asking for a $50 billion four-year contract (equal to Illinois' entire 2023 budget!), but they're asking for abortions, services for "newcomers," or migrants, and of course, because it's public education, LGBTQ training as part of the deal.
Remember, you're on the pages of Not The Bee, not The Babylon Bee.
Just thought I'd remind you.
The Chicago Teachers Union is negotiating a new contract and making $50 billion in demands that include significant pay hikes, abortions, services for migrants, and required LGBTQ-related training …
The Chicago Public Schools budget will exceed $9 billion this year - up nearly 30% from $7.4 billion only five years ago.
The CPS spent more than $21,000 per student - far above the national average of $14,347. However, only 21% of the city's eighth graders were proficient readers, according to the most recent Nation's Report Card.
Man, it'd be crazy if as part of their demands they wanted eighth graders to be proficient in reading, huh? Maybe they'll just get rid of the reading proficiency tests altogether; I mean, those are pretty racist, so ...
I guess these next items are more important.
Gates is demanding at least 9% wage increases each year over the next four years, which would push the average salary from the current rate of $93,182 to $144,620 in the 2027-2028 school year.
The union is also calling for the district to hire 2,500 new teacher aides.
According to Fox News, the leaked demands of the Chicago Teachers Union include '100% coverage benefits for abortion care, 100% coverage benefits for fertility including full coverage for storage of embryos and any other frozen storage needs.'
Another supposed demand is that the taxpayers will need to provide $2,000 in academics, transportation, and mental health counseling to each migrant in the city. The union is also allegedly requiring that all of the 646 public schools to have a 'newcomer liaison' for new students as well as migrant students. There is also an alleged requirement to transform unused school facilities into housing accommodations for illegal immigrants.
The union purportedly is demanding that every school have at least one gender-neutral restroom. Another reported requirement is that every counselor and social worker undergo yearly training on 'LGBTQ+ issues.'
According to the leaked documents, the union wants to prevent any member from being forced to inform parents when a student changes gender.
No need to check on the students; let's just keep our focus on teachers' paychecks, teachers' ability to kill their unborn children, illegal immigrants' wellbeing, and the Alphabet kids. That's a wrap, send it out.
Seriously, like, do these people even care about education anymore?!?!
Or is it all about those Benjamins?!?
And I love how they call it a "newcomer liaison." I thought that was just a term we were using ironically on the right, but apparently the term stuck on the left. This world, man.
Add to these demands the union's ties with Mayor Brandon Johnson.
While the figure might seem far-fetched, the union holds tremendous sway in city politics with deep ties to Mayor Brandon Johnson.
Johnson is a former CTU legislative coordinator who was put forward by the union to run for mayor. As of June 30, 2023, CTU had funneled more than $2.6 million into Johnson's campaign while he received more than $6 million from teachers unions altogether, according to the Illinois Policy Institute.
And let's not forget that Union President Stacy Davis Gates sends her kid to a private Catholic school due to "inequities" in the public school system.
Tell me more about how these demands are about education and not about lining your pockets with cash!
And hey, I bet the Chicago black community is super happy that you're spending all this money on "newcomer" relations when they've been struggling in your city for DECADES!
Same old, same old from the Chicago Teachers Union.
I'm betting the farm that the city gives them what they want here, but if they somehow don't, y'all know we're gonna get another walkout.
Here's a link to those leaked demands for ya.
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