China's recent push to blame U.S. for COVID was viewed 1.4 BILLION times on social media and provides a perfect example of what happens when media and tech exist to parrot government propaganda

Joel Abbott

Jan 25, 2021

Welp, commies gonna commie.

The Communist Party of China hasn't stopped blaming the U.S. for COVID-19 since May, alleging a number of conspiracy theories as they continue to hide their abject failure in stopping the outbreak of a global pandemic.

In the most recent round of propaganda, the CCP's Communist Youth League posted the hashtag "America Ft. Detrick" to their internal social media platforms – a reference to a Maryland facility used from 1943 to 1969 as the primary bio-weapons research base in the U.S.

The hashtag followed statements from Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying last week, who called for the WHO to investigate the defunct Ft. Detrick facility.

"If America respects the truth, then please open up Ft. Detrick and make public more information about the 200 or more bio-labs outside of the U.S., and please allow the WHO expert group to go to the U.S. to investigate the origins," said Hua.

All of this may (and should) make you laugh. After all, who would actually believe this nonsense? It's one thing to spin a news story. It's another thing to spin basic, indisputable facts. You might as well try to figure out how to convince people the sky is red.

It's even bolder to not only spin the story, but to call for the very action you have refused to take – in this case, admitting WHO investigators to Wuhan, which I've very helpfully noted the location of on this map.

Even with this absurdity, however, the story was viewed 1.4 BILLION times on Chinese state-controlled social media platforms.

A good percentage of Chinese citizens understand they live in a dictatorial police state without basic human rights. Many of them rightly believe 99% of what the media is peddling is lies.

The problem is, a sizable portion of the Chinese population believes the lies. The CCP does a perfect Orwellian impression in erasing facts and history that don't line up with the official narrative. Hua Chunying even had the insane audacity to use the phrase "respects the truth" in her statement.

And yet, today in China, tens of millions of people likely believe this narrative.

"[The propaganda's] purpose is to shift the blame from mishandling by (the) Chinese government in the pandemic's early days to conspiracy by the U.S.," said writer Fang Shimin, who is known for exposing China's practices of giving out fake degrees and peddling in scientific fraud. "The tactic is quite successful because of widespread anti-American sentiment in China."

If you want a look at what society looks like with state-run media, this is it.

Say, for example, that social media runs interference for a political party, limiting who sees certain articles and posts while banning trusted voices that represent dissenting points of view. Say that network television spent 24 hours a day blasting the reputations of anyone who disagrees with said party. Say that both looked the other way when the party did something truly reprehensible or foolish.

I can't think of any recent examples where such things have happened in America, can you?

The good news is that the truth is always there, despite the attempts to cover it up. Take this story for example. China is desperately trying to take attention and shame off of itself, especially since its new 'Rona vaccine has shown to only be 50% effective. Instead of trying to spur creativity and unity and hard work, China is doubling down on the blame game, sowing down about the U.S. vaccines (plural) to take focus off its own failure.

The CCP is like a bully at a science fair who trashes someone else's prize work because they were too lazy, vindictive, and incompetent to make something of their own. They may get away with it once or twice, but eventually, the bottom will fall out.

Those of us who still believe in objective truth and a sovereign God know you can only lie, steal, and distract for so long before it catches up with you.

And that, despite all the chaos in the world right now, is good news.

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