Report: Christian officer stripped of National Guard position for expressing biblical beliefs on gender in his personal time
ยท Aug 27, 2024 ยท

The Biden-Harris military hates Christians.

Liberty Counsel, a conservative law firm, sent a notification to the Idaho National Guard and Idaho's governor that a Christian infantry officer's First Amendment rights were violated in an egregious move by LGBTQ activists in the military.

According to the letter, the Christian officer was subjected to an investigation, lost his position, and was forced to retire.

His crime? Social media posts expressing his Christian beliefs and disagreement with radical gender ideology.

According to the letter:

'The officer wrote against graphic, obscene children's books in a library and the promotion of a 'drag kids' event and drag queens in schools. He also posted statements such as 'no child is born in the wrong body,' males should not be competing in female sports, and against the medical mutilation of gender-confused children."


In the complaint, the LGBTQ activist says these social media posts prove "just how much [the officer] truly hates the LGBTQ community."

As a result of the complaint, the Christian officer was:

  • Investigated

  • Removed from his position at the Idaho National Guard

  • Mocked with Bible verses on his way out

  • The investigator recommended that the National Guard screen all potential promotions for unacceptable Christian beliefs before promoting them

Here's the kicker: This officer made these comments as a private citizen - he did not make them to fellow Guard members while on duty!

The officer posted these statements while running for a political office or otherwise acting in his private capacity.

How did this chain of events start? Well, a gay enlisted infantryman saw the officer's social media posts and said he felt threatened.

'I must emphasize that this has created an uncomfortable, unsafe, and a hostile work environment, making it increasingly challenging for me to perform my duties effectively. With the active ties to the extremist/hate group, it makes me feel threatened and unsafe. All the posts on his social media and how public he is about his hate towards individuals like me and my family. Not just for me but for my husband and my child.'

The officer believes things that the Bible has taught for well over 5,000 years ... and that is now called "hate."

Liberty Counsel has dubbed this the "No Christians As Commanders" policy, a clear violation of 1st Amendment rights.

According to the letter, Governor Brad Little has until August 30 to respond before further legal action is taken.

Stay bold, Christians. It's pretty hostile out there for anyone with biblical convictions.

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