Maybe I'm crazy, but Christianity Today, the magazine founded by Billy Graham, has become crazier than satire due to the woke mind virus.
I just don't think this is the kind of article Graham had in mind when he started the magazine. 👇
The main thrust of the article is basically a "Christian" perspective on climate change that endorses the idea that it is manmade and caused by our selfish use of fossil fuels.
Bethany Sollereder, a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh over in Scotland, starts by telling us how she was labeled a "doomsday prophet" for her pushing the Covid-19 lockdown propaganda, something she apparently hasn't realized that she was on the wrong side of yet. Then she dives into, what in her mind, is a centrist take on climate change.
Regarding climate change, here is my 'doomsday prophet' take: In one sense, the anxiety people feel is justified by the grim facts. The world is experiencing changes that are rapid and widespread and will bring intense suffering to hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people.
We are in the grip of a serious global substance addiction to fossil fuels. The difficult truth to face is that we have already burned enough oil and natural gas to throw the climate into a new norm. The longer we burn fossil fuels, particularly at the furious rate we've become accustomed to, the worse it is likely to get.
That's her "moderate" position!
She goes on to acknowledge the good parts of fossil fuels, you know, the unprecedented flourishing of humanity that has occurred in the last two centuries across every metric and category.
But since it's going to kill the planet, I guess she thinks it's shortsighted.
As with any serious addiction, withdrawal feels painful, is costly, and — when done poorly — can be deadly. In fact, the dramatic changes needed to curb our addiction would likely mean tremendous suffering and probable loss of life.
It's worth the tremendous KNOWN deaths that would happen if we quit fossil fuels (think 95% of the 8 billion people on Earth), but it's worth it for all the unknown deaths that might happen if the climate alarmists turn out to be right??
That's the Christian "climate care" position espoused by Christianity Astray. (Sorry, Christianity Today.)
By the way, you'll notice Sollereder hasn't provided any Bible verses to support her position. But she does have "Radical Hope" from a book of the same name that was all about how the Crow Indian tribe "survived" all the damage the evil white man did.
Yes, really! And it's here that she takes the most famously "taken out of context" verse of the last half century and plops it right into the middle of her narrative:
She's over here lamenting and hoping against hope that somehow we make it when Christ has already promised us that He is with us until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20), that we will hear of wars and natural disasters and shouldn't be afraid (Matthew 24:6-13), and that the seasons will never cease for as "long as the earth endures," including planting time and harvest (Genesis 8:22).
And God has blessed us in our time with technological wonders that are not only allowing the Gospel to spread everywhere faster than you can understand (oil makes fiber optic cables, Starlink satellites, VPNs, and computers possible), but are curing diseases, providing more food than we know what to do with, halving global poverty every decade or two, and more!
But she has a "radical hope" that we'll survive all this prosperity and blessing??
In the same way, for us, radical hope means settling down in our own exile and waiting for God's promise to be fulfilled beyond the scope of our own lifetimes.
Which god are you talking about, lady?
She can't even bring herself to argue for actual solutions on either side. Her conclusion seems to be "the liberal scientific consensus on climate change is right AND there's nothing we can do about it, so we've gotta hope for the end of the world or miraculous intervention."
And this lady is supposed to be a Christian academic.
But this also doesn't stop her from being a climate activist.
In short, spoon theory asks you to imagine your daily energy level as a certain number of spoons. Then you divide up your daily tasks based on how much energy each one takes: two to get up and dressed, six for grocery shopping, three for making a meal, and so on.
I do a similar thing with creation care. I generally use half of my spoons of environmental energy for advocacy and trying to change systemic and political institutions: voting, writing letters to political leaders, mobilizing and educating people. The other half I use on the smaller, more psychologically rewarding but less impacting works: restoring a stream bank, researching and substituting better products into my life, scouring thrift shops.
The effort I spend throwing my tiny bit of democratic influence into pursuing systemic change rather than trying to pursue a perfect private life means that my toothbrush is still plastic, and my infrequently driven car is still gas-powered — but I have a greater chance of making a large-scale difference than if I put all my efforts into making my private life perfect.
"I'm not going to change how I live my life because I know that it won't make much of a difference, but I will lobby for laws that will make all of your lives miserable to save the planet! It's what Jesus would want!"
Of course, she has to get one more dig in on the evil misguided folks who favor fossil fuels.
Western culture is deeply avoidant of some of life's basic realities: sickness, suffering, death. Some try to cheat them with ever more elaborate uses of fossil-fuelled power, such as cryogenic freezing.
It's the conservatives and their oil who are the sci-fi utopians! Not me!
What a joke!
CT got ratioed for their trouble, of course. Let me give you some of the best replies.
The main takeaway from the article is that Christians should be radical climate activists, but not really change how they live their life, and also accept the fate that the world is ending, and just hope and pray Jesus comes back soon before we destroy the world with fossil fuels.
Christianity Today has LOST IT.
(Can you imagine how much Satan is laughing at this article??)
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇