Mostly peaceful climate activist who wanted to be a human rights lawyer jailed for life after stabbing her fiance to death
· Aug 13, 2023 ·

An Extinction Rebellion activist in the U.K. has been jailed for life after stabbing her fiance to death in the middle of the street.

Blaze Lily Wallace, 28, was pregnant at the time and had been dreaming of becoming a human rights lawyer...

Wallace shanked her fiance, Samuel Mayo, 34, and then followed him out of their home near London with the kitchen knife, leaving him to bleed to death on the street.

Witnesses said Mayo was heard begging for his life, saying, "Please, Blaze. I love you, please Blaze."

Wallace was unanimously convicted of murder and possessing an offensive weapon following a three-week trial. She will serve at least twenty-four years, but the judge warned that she "may never be released."

Police Issue/Instagram

Judge Rajeev Shetty said:

You stabbed him once to the chest.

You stabbed him with sufficient force at a downward angle for the knife to go through his ribcage cartilage and into the heart. He shouted for help and was losing a lot of blood at this time.

In contrast to the people who tried to assist him, you did nothing and left the scene, allowing him to die and showing a complete lack of remorse that you had stabbed him in the chest.

Wallace claimed she killed Mayo to defend her unborn child, but the court rejected that claim.

The climate activist and her fiance were also under the influence of heroin, cocaine, and cannabis at the time of the stabbing.

He was no threat to you at all and he neither attacked you or attempted to attack you and I reject this was excessive self-defence.

You stabbed him in the middle of the chest where his heart was. There must have been an intention to kill.

Wallace, The Climate Warrior Law Graduate, must have missed that "human rights" class about how, you know ... people having the right to live.

The judge sentenced Wallace to four years concurrent to the life term.

Why, so often, are the loud preachy woke types the real psychos?

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