CNN: Only use GIFs that correspond to your skin color, fam!

Remind me who the racist ones are again?
Digital blackface involves White people play-acting at being Black, says Lauren Michele Jackson, an author and cultural critic, in an essay for Teen Vogue. Jackson says the Internet thrives on White people laughing at exaggerated displays of Blackness, reflecting a tendency among some to see "Black people as walking hyperbole."

Alternatively, GIFs are funny and since we live in an amazingly diverse world with amazingly diverse GIFs, some of the best GIFs come from black people!
But sure, yeah, let's go with the belief that white people are always hanging out and giggling about how to make fun of black people.
(These people really think that)
But critics say digital blackface is wrong because it's a modern-day repackaging of minstrel shows, a racist form of entertainment popular in the 19th century.

It's okay to call white people boring though:
Besides, [Elizabeth] Halford says, if she refrains from using any Black memes, she runs into another problem:
"Those are the most effective, because White people are so boring," she says.
I don't want to waste your time with any more of this article written by someone with the intelligence of a 1st grader (that's an insult to my 1st grader).