Folks, this is one for the Advertisers' Hall of Fame: Coca-Cola's lengthy commercial that's meant to pander to hardcore videogamers:
That is just brutal.
I'm sorry, but what exactly is the message here?
- That if you drink a Coke you'll suddenly stop caring about your fantasy MMORPG and link hands with your digital enemies?
- Are we supposed to assume that none of these gamers had ever drunk a Coke before this?
- That they were only exposed to its healing, peace accord-ing powers at this one arena tournament?
Also, why does this game give players the option to throw down their weapons and unite in loving brotherhood? What kind of a game does that? Coke apparently couldn't even hire a 16-year-old gamer consultant to craft a coherent and compelling commercial.
Unsurprisingly, the commercial is getting an absolutely savage critical response. Its like-dislike ratio on YouTube as of Wednesday afternoon was, well... lopsided:
Reviews elsewhere were not good. The Onion AV Club called it "a bewildering, CGI-filled take on competitive gaming," while the Drum openly wondered if the ad "set the brand back years with the gaming community."
Responses on social media, meanwhile, were less than praiseworthy.
Nice try, Coke! Better luck next time!
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐