Democrats hate guns, and this new study out of Colorado might shed some light on why that is.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, not all gun homicides are created equal. And in Colorado, from 2016-2020, a quarter of gun homicides were categorized as "justifiable self-defense," according to the Department of Public Health and Environment.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment analyzed 5,287 firearm-related deaths in Colorado from 2016 to 2020. Of those deaths, the vast majority, 73.6%, were suicides. 24.9% were homicides/assaults (about 1316). Of the homicides, 24.7% were justifiable self-defense (about 325).
When we talk gun control, we are usually talking homicides. The anti-gun crowd wants us to give up modern defensive tools because they say too many people are being killed by said tools.
What they don't mention is that the majority - in this case almost 75% - of gun deaths are suicides, and that access to guns doesn't change suicide statistics. Suicides, while a terrible reality in this world, will exist regardless of whether guns are here.
The other 25% of gun deaths were homicides, but one in four of those incidents were actually people protecting themselves from bad guys who wanted to kill them.
That seems like really important data!
It makes you wonder what the logic could ever be in outlawing guns, as the Left seems so determined to do.
What's more,
There is significant bias in these numbers. Most people committing murder intend to kill their victims. Most people defending themselves kill their assailants as a last resort. The number of deaths by intent tends to be larger for illicit killing than for justifiable killing. Firearms are much more commonly used to defensively prevent an attack than to kill an attacker.
If we outlaw guns like the Dems want to, I guarantee you that 25% number gets close to zero. There will still be plenty of gun homicides — because criminals don't follow the law — but none of them will be the good guy killing the bad guy.
They'll all be the bad guy killing an unarmed good guy.
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