Mayor bans Pledge of Allegiance at trustee meetings; attendees recite it anyway

The past year has been a wonderful period of discovering petty tyrants and clown leaders all over the country, not just in Washington, D.C. The featured clown this time is Mayor Shane Fuhrman of Silverton, Colorado.

Fuhrman announced earlier this month that the Pledge of Allegiance would no longer be recited during Town of Silverton trustee meetings "[d]ue to direct and indirect threats, inappropriate comments in and out of public meetings and general divisiveness and issues created in [the] community."

At the most recent meeting, Patriotic attendees went ahead and recited the pledge during the "public comment period." The mayor responded by declaring those who recited the pledge as "out of order."

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) roasted Fuhrman on Twitter.

"Mayor Fuhrman should resign and purchase a one-way ticket to China where he won't have worry about hearing the pledge!" Boebert said.

Imagine a mayor who took an oath to uphold the laws of the U.S. (as well as the state of Colorado), declaring it "out of order" for others to pledge allegiance to the U.S publicly.

How did it get to that point in Silverton, though? According to trustee Molly Barela, three of the seven board members "would just turn off their cameras" when meetings were held over Zoom over the past year.

"By going back to in person meetings it changes the dynamic compared to what was happening on Zoom," Barela said.

"[N]ow that we've gone back to in person meetings members of the general population especially those who are veterans have been questioning why would you run for office ... if you won't stand for the pledge. Members of the public have told them that they should be ashamed of themselves."

I think there's a name for those three board members: Weenies!

Fuhrman has it backward. The division starts with Fuhrman and the other weenies. They are the ones bringing "general divisiveness" to the community! Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance should not and cannot be an issue for an American leader at any level.

Fuhrman should consider the actual words of the pledge. It should be a very easy demonstration of the unity Americans share. The pledge says, "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" (emphasis mine).

I'm really struggling here. Is the part where the pledge says "Indivisible," supposed to be the divisive part? Give me a break. The only person who thinks that's divisive is someone who has no business being an American leader.

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