Folks, I don't want to speak prematurely and say that Democrats are getting desperate.
I'm just saying...if they were getting desperate...would it look any different than this?
"Republican praise for Kamala Harris."

Not the Bee has obtained exclusive footage of Democrats searching for "Republican praise" for Kamala:

Folks, the whole setup is weird enough as it is. Has a modern U.S. presidential campaign ever tried to tout the praises of the opposing party as some sort of advantage?
But when you take a look at the praise they found, it gets so much weirder.
"We obviously disagreed…but she's personable."
"Very personable and knowledgeable."
"I don't remember any problems with her on the committee."

Democrats, seriously: What is this??

The absurdity of it all did not escape the comments:
So nice of Republicans to say all this nice stuff about Nice Girl Kamala!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇