I think it's safe to say if you're one of the funniest comedians of all time you know what you're doing when you're on the stage.
Dave Chappelle, who the Left has loathed but has never been able to cancel, was performing at the Chase Center in San Francisco Sunday night and decided to invite one of the most unpopular residents of Silicon Valley on stage with him: Elon Musk.
[Warning: Language]
Lefty accounts claimed Elon received a pretty roundly negative reception, but you definitely hear loud cheers among the "boos."
But the boo-birds definitely started to take over late, to which Dave quipped:
It sounds like some of those people you fired are in the audience.

This got a big laugh out of just about everyone, except probably those Musk did recently fire.
Chapelle had another quick jab at the displeased audience.
All those people booing, and I'm just pointing out the obvious, they have terrible seats, and I understand.
It's clear that Chapelle, who is also a fan of free speech, is a fan of Elon Musk and really thinks that what he's doing is good for the world.
He was in San Fran, he knew he'd get boos from the ultra-lefty audience. But he brought him up because he IS the richest man in the world and Chappelle feels an anti-cancelation kinship with him.
In the longer (much more vulgar) video of the appearance, Elon thanks Chappelle for inviting him onstage and Chappelle joked that he wouldn't miss it for the world.
Chappelle: You... can boo if you want. This guy gave me a jetpack last Christmas.
It's good to see Dave defend his friend against a hostile crowd.