Could PB&J be the secret to a long life? This 106-year-old Alabama woman says yes ๐Ÿฅœ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฅช
ยท May 6, 2021 ยท

Mrs. Sarah Wilder celebrated her 106th birthday this week.

She resides at the Little Sisters of the Poor Sacred Heart Residence in Mobile, Alabama, where staff says she is "sharp as a tack."

Before residing at the Little Sisters of the Poor residence, Wilder volunteered there, starting a music exercise class for residents.

When asked about her secret to a long life, Wilder said she lives "a pure and simple life," but revealed the secret concoction that has allowed her to achieve such a feat:

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Doesn't get simpler than that!

Here's hoping Mrs. Wilder celebrated with as much PB&J as humanly possible!

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