Cuteness Alert! These NICU babies all dressed up for Halloween is the sweetest thing you'll see today 😭
· Oct 29, 2021 ·

Tallahassee Memorial Hospital has a precious tradition of making the cutest costumes for the babies spending their first Halloween in the NICU, and the pictures are adorable.

The hospital shared to their Instagram,

Thank you to our incredible NICU team who always go above and beyond to make holidays special for our NICU families. Our crafty night team made these clever costumes and our day team brought their visions to life! 🧡

They shared the full album on Facebook, along with some pretty great captions, including these sweet pictures of the newborns spending the holiday in the NICU:

There's really no question about it, adorable babies in costume are the BEST part of Halloween. Ok, well that and Almond Joys.

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