Speaker at DNC Asian Caucus meeting says "Tim Walz is going to be the first Chinese Vice President” 🤔
· Aug 19, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Uhh, guys, I think we should be concerned about this.

Tim Walz speaks Mandarin and that makes him Chinese.

You know, because he visited Communist China A WHOLE LOT in his younger days, somehow making multiple international trips to the commie country on a teacher's salary. And then, after spending all that that time in China, he went into politics.

If you wanna know more about Beijing Tim, read Peachy Keenan's blog about it.

One very interesting point she makes about the Walzes and their China ties:

In 1994, the Walzes founded a travel company called Educational Travel Adventures, taking groups of American high schoolers on trips to China. Tim Walz personally led tour groups of kids in Communist China every year for years. Their last trip with kids to China was in 2003.

1994 was the same year he married his wife, Gwen — on the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests. Why that date? 'He wanted to have a date he'll always remember,' [Gwen Walz] told the Star-Herald.

Tim then immediately returned to China for his honeymoon.

I'm just saying, maybe we should take a second look at Walz's ties to the ChiComs when we have people at the DNC's Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders caucus calling him "the first Chinese VP."

Seriously, are there any Democrats out there who aren't entangled with our foreign adversaries?

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