Democrat officials in Colorado "incorrectly" sent out 30,000 voter registration postcards to noncitizens and I'm sure it was just an honest mistake
· Oct 11, 2022 ·

Here's how you win elections in the Democratic Party:

"Oops, we totally didn't mean to do that. Complete accident, hehe. Our bad!"

Yeah right!

Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold's office said department employees had sent the postcards on Sept. 27 after comparing a list of 102,000 names provided by the Electronic Registration Information Center, a nonprofit organization aiming to improve U.S. voter rolls and advocating residents to vote…

The postcards, which the office printed in English and Spanish, read, "A message from Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold . . . Our records indicate that you or your household may be eligible to vote, but do not appear to be registered at your current address."

The mailers did include that to vote that residents must be 18 years old by Election Day, a United States citizen, and a Colorado resident for at least 22 days before the upcoming election, according to Colorado Public Radio News.

And since Colorado is one of 17 states in our union which provides driver's licenses to noncitizens, they have a nice little excuse here for their election integrity: They simply pulled data from the DMV to obtain these addresses, which included those of noncitizens.

Honest mistake, really...

It's just too bad they got caught here, cuz these people will do anything to win an election.

Since I'm a nice guy, I'll drop this here in order to give the Dems a little benefit of the doubt:

"The Department has become aware that approximately 30,000 EBU [Eligible But Unregistered] postcard mailers were incorrectly sent to ineligible Coloradans," a spokesperson for the Colorado Secretary of State's Office told local media. "The office is undertaking an internal review of the incident and will take any corrective action that is warranted."

Griswold insisted noncitizens would not be allowed to register to vote…

Griswold's office said they plan on sending out correction mailers to the noncitizens, "reminding them that only those that meet the above requirements are eligible to register."

Yeah, still don't believe you!

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