Denver's mayor does the Norm MacDonald meme about the migrant crime wave: "The much bigger risk is a perception that the newcomers are dangerous"
· Aug 31, 2024 ·

Norm MacDonald died three years ago, but somehow he just keeps becoming more and more relevant.

Won't someone consider the peaceful Muslims? Or, in this case, the peaceful "migrants."

Gangs of Venezuelan "newcomers," as Denver's mayor Mike Johnston refers to them, have been taking over the streets of Denver and Aurora. But what bothers the mayor much more is the racist white people who are unwelcoming.

Yes, it's a BIGGER risk that the "newcomers" (illegal aliens and refugees from Venezuela taking over entire portions of the two Colorado cities) are misperceived.

So, make sure you don't perceive this! Or else you're racist.


But the BIGGER risk is the "perception" that these guys are dangerous.

Honestly, how could anyone get that idea?

Mayor Johnston is super worried about the "backlash" because some people apparently put up "unwelcoming" signs. As if they don't realize that diversity is our strength!

Sure, gangs of people who don't belong in the country are robbing, terrorizing, shooting up neighborhoods. But don't you know that some leftwing study says migrants are actually less likely to be criminals than native citizens?

You see these gangs of Venezuelan criminals and even the word "migrant" or "refugee" is too harsh for Denver's woke mayor. He has to use the word "newcomer" as if these gangs being here is just what America is all about.

Just to be clear, Denver's leaders are perfectly cool with roving hordes of illegal immigrants terrorizing their cities just because they don't want to appear racist.

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