Florida Governor Ron DeSantis went out on Tuesday and torched blue states that have implemented vax passports and mandates that have utterly failed in stopping the spread of Covid.
Watch the governor attack failed liberal policies and defend his own policies of medical privacy and freedom.

Ronny D does not miss.
How big of a failure have vaccine passports been? Okay, if vaccine passports succeeded you would not see a lot of the stuff that you're seeing in a lot of states that implemented them.
All it served to do was discriminate against people based on an individual choice and create a two-tiered society.
This is exactly the point. Blue states and red states have similar covid rates regardless of policies implemented. The passports are completely failed policies.
But they have accomplished their secondary goal of creating two classes of society. A clean vs. unclean group of people.
The vaccine passports have successfully segregated society in the places where they're implemented.
I think, ultimately, people vote with their feet...
The fact of the matter is, you look at July of 2020 to July of 2021 we led the country in where people were wanting to come to. And I think that's a result of protecting peoples freedoms and making sure that we have a state worth living in.
People are flocking to Florida, and it's precisely BECAUSE of their Covid policies and banning vaccine passports, and keeping businesses and schools open.
Here he is at the same press conference talking about reason versus hysteria and fear.
DeSantis is making his state a haven for freedom and that's why people are moving there!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇