Watch this video, and look at the three congressmen that President Biden is referring to, and tell me this is something that would have been in the news for 4 weeks if Trump said it:
The three congressman you have here, two of them look like they really could and did play ball and the other one looks like he can bomb you.
Umm, did he really just say what I think he said???
Let's go to a longer clip for more context:
Now, maaaaaybe Joe isn't referring to race here. Maaaaaybe he's referring to bald British villains.
More likely, he was referring to the fact that Congressman Jake Ellzey used to be a Navy pilot.
But as a lefty who obsessed over race, and the fact that we all know how his brain worksโ

โand the fact that he leads up to the comment about bombing by saying the two black congressmen "look like they could play ball"...
It could easily sound like he's referring to, well, you know.

The dude sounds like Michael Scott sometimes...
Somebody needs to come get him off the stage and get him some ice cream. How the heck is it possible to get away with this?
Again, if Donald Trump or any other Republican said this exact same thing it would be front-page news FOR WEEKS AND WEEKS AND WEEKS.
And you would likely never hear the context.
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐