Did you know doctors are guilty of "fat phobia" against the "fat community" when they try to tell their patients to lose weight?
· Mar 23, 2021 · NottheBee.com

"Obesity" began trending on Twitter following Krispy Kreme's announcement that you can get free donuts for the rest of the year with a COVID vaccine.

The news led many to rightly point out that obesity is a primary factor in those who suffer the worst symptoms from the virus, with more than 90% of COVID deaths occurring in nations where at least half the adult population is overweight.

While some may call this "medical science" and "sound common sense," others like actress Jameela Jamil want you to know it's "fat phobic."

Take a gander:

She said that talking about the realities of obesity "opens the floodgates to a tsunami of ignorant and illogical abuse against the fat community."

Can people be mean? Yep.

Do we all need to treat people better? Yep.

Could most of us stand to lose a few pounds? Yep.

It is "fat phobic" for doctors to say that obesity is a significant factor in health co-morbidities, a decrease in quality of life, and early death?

Not even close.

Notice how she sarcastically quotes the very term "obesity" and tells us that obesity "allegedly" leads to earlier lifespans and diseases.

She then claims that it's not obesity that kills, but doctors discriminating against obesity.

The whole thing reeks of virtue signaling and Wokism. Don't believe me? Here's a definition of "fat phobia" from the "Wokish" dictionary:

"Fatphobia is one of the central objects of interest of fat studies, which is the critical theory of fat identity statuses, as it is the systemic power dynamic that must be critiqued, deconstructed, disrupted, dismantled, subverted, or otherwise overcome through that approach to critical theory."

In other words, wokies are scraping the bottom of the barrel to create new oppressed identity groups to ram Marxism down our throats.

Since they're running out of ideas, I'll give them a few more oppressed groups that are being shamed by "healthists" and the corresponding phobias:

  • The harness-liberated community (seatbelt-free phobia)
  • The anti-gravity community (falling phobia)
  • The heavy-metal water community (lead phobia)
  • The substance-enhanced driving community (alternative-transportation-experience phobia)
  • The uncovered-cranium community (helmet-free phobia)

I could go on and on!

Jamil claims we really can't have a "conversation about any death rates or health issues" involving obesity until we ensure that doctors across the land are able "to see past their own fat phobia."

In the meantime, I guess we're supposed to spoon-feed our kids sugar and make sure they sit and think about their privilege instead of exercising outdoors!

Newsflash: If you have a doctor who tells you what you want to hear instead of what you need to hear, get a new doctor.

And probably stop listening to Hollywood celebs who would sacrifice your health and sanity at the altar of Wokism.

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