The Democrats and the MSM have been pushing the narrative for nearly two years that January 6th protestors were responsible for the deaths of Capitol Police officers.
Of course, when people that are paying attention are asked, it's clear that no Capitol Police officers were killed in the protest.
One officer died of a stroke and natural causes the day after the Capitol riot.
Four officers committed suicide shortly after that.
These are the deaths that the media and the Democrats are trying to pin on the those who entered the Capitol Building on January 6th.
Now, the Department of Justice has added another version of that narrative by ruling that Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood's suicide was a death in the line of duty. The ruling was made at the urging of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which stinks of partisan politics.
To be fair, there are certainly some circumstances around Liebengood's death and the DOJ's decision that warrant consideration.
Officer Liebengood's family was not eligible for survivor benefits under a suicide, and there is some evidence that the Capitol Police's mandated regiment of extended duty after January 6th affected Liebengood's mental health, so it's hard to say these benefits weren't justified.
Liebengood's widow wrote,
After assisting riot control at the Capitol on January 6th, USCP scheduled Howie to work lengthy shifts in the immediate days following. He was home for very few hours over the course of four days. Although he was severely sleep-deprived, he remained on duty- as he was directed- practically around the clock from January 6th through the 9th. On the evening of the 9th, he took his life at our home.
I'm happy that this widow is being taken care of regardless. I just wish we didn't have to now worry about the political costs of the decision.
Consider the following points:
- Pelosi's and Democrats continuous mock-trials of Donald Trump in the House's Russian Collusion, the Ukrainian Presidential call, and then the January 6th Committee;
- Biden's DOJ prosecuting political targets like parents and abortion protestors;
- The media's constant insistence that January 6th was an insurrection where Capitol Police died at the hands rioters.
With all that, I can't help but think that this officer's new death-in-the-line-of-duty designation will be held up as evidence against the protestors and more importantly against Trump rather than evidence against the Democrats' showboating after the protest ended.
An MSNBC opinion writer has already gone on record saying that Trump should be charged with manslaughter for January 6th.
If the current thing fails to get the former president imprisoned, don't be surprised if this is the next thing.