Trump is doing better in the approval ratings right now than he had at any point in his first term. As it turns out, 80 million people voted for Donald Trump to do all the things he is currently doing, and somehow CNN doesn't realize what happened.
Enten: This is a very different Donald Trump. He's leading a very different administration the way he's attacking things. And the American public is very much more in line with him than they were at any point in his entire first term.
Bolduan: I would say, correction, this is not a very different Donald Trump. This is a different Donald Trump as being viewed by voters -

Wait, is this lady so Trump-deranged that she thinks this is same old Trump as 2016? She hasn't seen the way he's handling himself, the flurry of orders, the no-nonsense manner in which he's running the show?
Is she really this dense?
Enten: In the way he's going about things with Susan Wiles leading things, I think he is going at things in much ... more organized fashion.
Bolduan: Take me back in history.
Enten: Donald Trump's first net-approval rating of his second term is higher than his entire first term. Has that ever happened? ... Donald Trump is the only -
Bolduan: I have a hard time believing this!

Enten: This is 100% true. ... I don't make stuff up.
CNN, even after Trump's electoral steamrolling of Kamala, cannot get their brains around the fact that "Orange Man Bad" is not working anymore.

It's all dried up. Their hysterics are pointless. No one listens to them any longer.
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