I wish this were The Babylon Bee, but it's not.
The ad itself repeats all the pro-abortion mumbo jumbo about "reproductive rights," "justice," and "choice," as the dynamic duo criticizes the many state abortion laws that have resulted from the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade.
Long gone are the days of "safe, legal, and rare" abortion. The language has instead been replaced with "a decision between a woman and her doctor."
And while the First Lady's position may not be very Catholic, at least she is a real doctor ... oh wait.

The response to the video has been less than enthusiastic, from criticism of the content to the poor quality video to the strange collaboration. But my favorite response has to be this one:
Democrats just have to meet that diversity quota in their ads!
The most ironic statement comes from the pop star (and breakfast taco) herself, who says,
I will not let my daughter live in a world where politicians make decisions about her body.
What is she going to do? Have a late-term "abortion" on her daughter? You can't live in a world where laws don't make decisions about our bodies. There's no reality in which laws don't affect human behavior, from seatbelt laws all the way up to laws against assault and murder. There are many illegal things you can't do with your body, particularly when it involves another person's body.
But if you get your political, legal, or moral advice from pop singers, you're probably not thinking that deeply about the actual words coming out of her mouth!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇