Elon Says He Suffered "Major Side Effects" From Booster Shot, and His Young, Healthy Cousin Developed "Serious Case of Myocarditis"
· Jan 21, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Elon decided to share his awful vax booster experience with the world via Twitter today:

I had major side effects from my second booster shot. Felt like I was dying for several days. Hopefully, no permanent damage, but I dunno.

That "but I dunno" from someone as next-level intelligent as Elon is, I'd say, rather ominous.

But wait, there's more!

And my cousin, who is young & in peak health, had a serious case of myocarditis. Had to go to the hospital.

Myocarditis. In a young and very healthy person.

Have we seen any instances recently of heart issues in young and very healthy people? 🤔

You are not supposed to say these things, even when they happen. Thankfully, Elon doesn't care.

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