Imagine living in a city called "Starbase" that's based off space travel, hilarious memes, and high-tech gadgets.
Billionaire Elon Musk is planning to create such a place:

How flippin' sweet is this? What's even better:
Elon says "The Doge" will serve as the town mayor:

As Elon notes in a Wiki link, far before it was a meme, the title "doge" used to refer to the ruler of Venice, one of the birthplaces of the Renaissance.
All hilarity aside, can you imagine how awesome and unique a city that's the brainchild of Elon Musk would be? What immediately popped into my head was a cross between "The Jetsons" and the city from "Meet the Robinsons."

Elon Musk is the closest thing we have to a real-life Tony Stark. Change my mind.