Elon Musk tags Wikipedia co-creator, notes the platform is tanking after it locked edits on its "Recession" page
· Aug 1, 2022 · NottheBee.com

In the wake of the news last week about the recession that's totally not a recession, Wikipedia became a battleground for the narrative.

The online encyclopedia shut down the ability to edit the page after the lefties got their definition officially solidified by the website.

Of course, this is Orwellian nonsense. The definition of recession has been understood as two-quarters of negative GDP growth; however, since Biden is in charge, it's suddenly become more "nuanced."

Tesla CEO Elon Musk jumped into the fray and absolutely clocked Wikipedia.

Jimmy Wales, the one tagged by Musk, is one of the co-founders of Wikipedia.

Wikipedia has completely lost its reputation with this move and Elon is here to declare the website dead.

They're nothing more than a tool for the ruling regime. RIP!

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