Report: England's prisons are so crowded with thought criminals that they may soon start renting prison space in Estonia
ยท Sep 6, 2024 ยท

A few weeks ago, we told you about the criminals who were being released from British prisons to make way for thought criminals who dare to speak their minds on the internet ๐Ÿ‘‡

The temporary move is expected to result in 5,500 offenders being released in September and October. It does not apply to those convicted of sex offences, terrorism, domestic abuse or some violent offences.

Well, now it looks as if the Brits are going to start renting prison space in Estonia to take care of these non-conformist free thinkers.

From The Telegraph:

Criminals could serve their sentences in Estonian prisons under plans being considered by ministers to tackle Britain's jail overcrowding crisis.

After the Baltic state said it had offered to rent out spare capacity to other countries, the Ministry of Justice said it was investigating "all viable options" to increase capacity because prisons were "on the point of collapse".

Government sources said the controversial solution was "on the table" because of the severity of the situation. Men's prisons in England and Wales nearly ran out of cells last month, with just 83 spare spaces.

They have so many thought criminals coming in, they can't even house them all! And this is after they've started releasing those ordinary criminals mentioned above.

This in a country which, all the way back in 2016, saw on average nine people per day arrested for thought crimes (or hate speech). I can't imagine what those numbers look like today.

And now we've got dudes being put away for years simply for online speech.

So with all these political prisoners overcrowding the prisons, not only is Britain releasing actual criminals to make room for more thought criminals, but they're actually considering renting prison space in Estonia.

Somewhere, George Orwell's body is spinning so fast that it could power England's energy grid.

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