Ever think your job is tough? Watch this mind-boggling video of some Herculean man climbing 2,000 feet up a tower to change a light bulb.
· Nov 2, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Sometimes I come across videos on Youtube that are too good not to share. Last night, my wife and I watched this whole video with sweaty palms. Seriously, there are parts of this video where I can barely believe what I'm seeing. It's absolutely INSANE what somebody has to do to climb to the top of the KDLT Tower in South Dakota and change out some basic equipment.

The first thing that comes to my mind as I watch this is, how in the world do they keep that elevator/ladder system going for like 1,900 feet, then all of a sudden it switches over to some ragtag system of pegs that don't have closed ends for catching his carabiners? What if he slips to the side? His hook is going to slip right off with him.

Another thing that I think of is with just how crazy this climb is, could you imagine actually building this tower? What kind of superheroes did they get to construct this thing? Whatever they paid those people, or this guy, is not enough. I don't think you could find 20 people in the state of South Dakota that would be willing to do this. As long as you aren't too susceptible to vertigo, you just have to watch this video:

Like most Youtube videos, some of the highlights are in the comments:

Full disclosure, I don't know if he actually changed a light bulb, but the video description does mention he's doing an annual inspection of the digital antenna.

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