JUST IN: Facebook permanently banned Libs of TikTok on Wednesday evening and gave absolutely no reason why
· Aug 17, 2022 · NottheBee.com

I'm starting to think these tech companies hate anyone who is exposing the perverts, groomers, madmen, grifters, and cult leaders within Wokeism.

Translation: "Thou hast displeased King Zuck and shalt be swiftly beheaded with his royal banhammer."

Facebook is a private company that can ban whomever it likes.

But since a ton of online marketing flows through Facebook, companies and public figures rely on it being a fairly neutral space to reach an audience.

Every time they tweak their algorithm to hide accounts they don't like, or ban people for "reasons," it shows that they're getting more and more unfair, and people like me who used to spend a lot of time there move on to places that, well, don't hate my guts.

Especially when the accounts getting banned are those that simply repost what a group of ideological cultists publicly say on the internet.

Censorship is a daring business model: One that's sure to make Facebook an obscure name on the ash pile of history before you know it!

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