In case you thought that at some point the gender madness would reach its limit and back off, just know that ain't happening anytime soon.
This is from a REAL medical school professor and self-proclaimed feminist. This is someone whose job it is to teach the next generations of doctors. She's endorsing all sorts of wacky "gender" ideas, including some that even I have never heard of before.
Gender revolutionary professor Diane Ehrensaft, a Californian feminist who believes children are "leading the charge" of the gender revolution has discussed in public lectures all of the "legitimate" identities she's discovered working with kids.
Boys and girls, according to this "expert" can change gender depending on location as well as season, or change whenever they want.
But two categories that really catch the eye are "Gender Prius" and "Gender Minotaur."
A Gender Prius is a half girl-half boy. But not like a little bit of both, or some more than the other. No...
"A boy… twirled [in my office]… and said to me, 'You see, I'm a Prius… I'm a boy in the front, and I'm a girl in the back."
A boy in the front... a girl in the back. In California, that's a Prius. If this was in the South, it would be a mullet.

But the most bizarre thing, of all the bizarre things this lady believes, is probably the "Gender Minotaur."

That's one gender on top, the other gender on bottom. Not two different sexes or sex characteristics on the bottom and top. Two different GENDERS which is how one identifies oneself as male or female. It doesn't matter what parts are on top or bottom, it's how one feels about their internal identity.
So, if someone thinks they're a girl on the bottom, below the belt, and a boy above the belt, then that's what they are. They're a minotaur.
And it goes beyond Minotaur being a cute name. No, there's a mythical element to it.
Ehrensaft then said that "gender Minotaurs" love mermaid content.
"I started meeting a whole bunch of other gender hybrids. And so we have the gender Prius, we have a gender Minotaur," she said. "And most of the kids who are gender minotaurs love mermaids. So make sure you have a lot of mermaid books. If you really you think about it, it works."

Hold up. What was that last sentence again...?
If you really you think about it, it works.
I... I just don't know what to say to that. I can't even.
The world has gone absolutely bananas.
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