The Fett probably didn't mean this in a nice way, but I am going to take it the best way possible.
To the victor goes the spoils!
I would describe it as God-tier level trolling to just trigger a full-on China Syndrome to own the libs in perpetuity.
This man, he may not be all there, but at a certain level he gets it.
Trump won, so he makes the picks, he runs the executive branch, he makes the calls - and all the libs can do is be outraged.
And with picks like loyalist Matt Gaetz, the Swamp creatures are really scratching their heads.
(Like or hate Matt Gaetz, hiring someone who makes DOJ lawyers lose their mind is a good thing, especially given the fact that many of those lawyers have been actively prosecuting their incoming boss.)
But it's not all screeching from the Left.
Trump is finding some common ground:
One thing is certain: Trump's second term is gonna be 🔥
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇