Hey, Charlie, there's this state up north called Virginia. Maybe you've heard of it?
It was trending blue for years before the Democratic gubernatorial candidate said parents shouldn't have a say in their children's education, after which he plummeted in the polls and ended up getting trounced by a Republican.
Maybe you should have looked that up first.
Karla Hernandez-Mats has been president of United Teachers of Dade, the teacher's union representing Miami-Dade, since 2016 and has been fighting ever since to ensure that you have as little as possible to say about your kids' education.
These voucher programs are, um... is, is money that is siphoned, it is taken out of our public tax dollars, sent to for-profit, uh, private institutions that are unaccountable.
Interesting take.
There is of course, the assertion, really the assumption, that it is not your money, it's "public tax dollars."
Public tax dollars?
You have to wonder if she ever pauses a moment to consider that that money comes from the people and belongs to them, not the state.
Oh, right, no you don't.
It's also telling that she thinks these private institutions are "unaccountable."
Unaccountable to whom?
Why, teachers' union presidents, of course.
Definitely not you. You're irrelevant. She has no interest in your having anything meaningful to say, and if you try to have some input, well...
Word to the wise: She really doesn't like the hoi polloi talking to her. No, she does not like that at all.
Last month, she was doing her best to support school board members who shared her passion for telling you to shut up.
Let's keep politics out of the classroom and support teachers.
Support teachers, not students. It's important to remember who the teachers unions represent.
In any case, she lost, part of a general rout of anti-DeSantis candidates.
Our local school board knows the needs of our children
As long as the right kind of people get elected.
I entered this race because I felt an obligation to oppose the rise of an authoritarian regime in Florida...
Even though a majority of the voters in District 4...
The democratically authoritarian regime? The authoritarianly democratic regime? I mean, I understand the concept of a tyranny of the majority but I just don't think she's sophisticated enough to have thought it through that far. She's just throwing around scare words.
Also, accusing the majority of voters in your district of supporting an authoritarian regime is an interesting strategy for winning hearts and minds.

...have given a green light to those seeking to impose their ideology and will upon our children
"Their" ideology, on "our" children.
Got that? Their children.
How dare parents interfere with the special relationship between a child and the state!

I am grateful to the 6,556 voters who expressed their opposition to the state takeover and voted for me. I will now focus my attention on the November elections for state offices...
Failing to win a school board election is just a stepping stone to failing to win higher offices.
Frankly, I don't think there's any limit to the number of offices she can fail to win.

These are the kinds of people Hernandez-Mats wants to see running Florida's local school boards.
Speaking of winning hearts and minds, Crists' new Latina running mate would like you to know that you are a racist.
Also, everything is racist.
Did I mention she is a Latina running for a major state-wide office after having successfully risen to the highest elected position representing the teachers working in one of the largest school districts in the nation?
Yeah, doesn't matter, you're still a racist.
She actually liked that tweet. It's still here, and had this image as well.
The "falling behind" narrative has always been about "falling behind whiteness."

White ["perfect" academic English] language.
You mean, being able to communicate effectively using one of the most widely adopted languages in the world?
White high stakes testing.
You mean, being able to demonstrate mastery of a subject through periodic examinations?
White laws, rules, policies, followed by white policing and punishment.
You mean, the capacity to behave in a civil and social manner?
This is how Hernandez-Mats wants to educate the children of Florida. Tell the white kids they're racist, and robbing everyone else of a chance of having a happy and productive life.

Some are dismissing it as only being a "like," but how do you "like" something as viciously racist and damaging as this?
In fact, it was so awful I questioned its validity. There's a lot of nonsense out there including a popular parody account, and I wanted to be careful, so after digging up the original, I checked to make sure that she not only liked it, but that she never unliked it.
Sure enough.
What's the over/under on when she disavows this?
Oh, and I almost forgot. I mean, it kind of goes without saying, but yeah, you're a Nazi, too.
And yes, she really did like it. In fact, the tweet only has one like, and it was her.
In any case, I wish the Crist/Hernandez-Mats ticket the best of luck.
They truly deserve each other.
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