Getting bitten by an animal — a dog, a snake, whatever — is unfortunate.
Getting bitten by one of your own family members during a family brawl, on the other hand, probably means you need to do a little reflecting on how you might have gotten to that point in your life. You also might need an ER.
Florida Man illustrates:
[A] man, Donnie Adams, a 53-year-old funeral assistant from the Tampa suburb of Riverview, sought care in mid-February for a painful swelling on [his] bitten thigh. He told doctors he had gotten the bite while trying to break up a physical fight between two family members. He was bitten in the process of pulling the pair away from each other.
You know, I've broken up a few fights over the years. And things can indeed get chaotic. You never really know what's going to happen in a situation like that.

But I've never been bitten on the thigh. That's never happened. I can safely say that nobody has ever chomped down on my thigh under those circumstances.
Our bite victim was first given antibiotics and a tetanus shot. But apparently it wasn't enough. The fellow's leg "became swollen and painful, and he had trouble walking," with his thigh ending up looking "like an orange peel."
Mr. Adams ended up needed two surgeries to get rid of all the "rotten tissue" (🤢). He is now, thankfully, "pain-free and without a limp."
The family member who bit him apparently needs to brush his teeth more often and maybe floss here and there.
Meanwhile, this intrepid Florida Man shows us how to move on from conflict, Florida-style:
"Family is everything, and sometimes things go down in families," he said. "I'm a man of faith. People can be forgiven, and that's the way I feel about that. It was a family event that went sour between two people and even though I got in the middle of it and I got injured, it doesn't mean I'm going to hate my family over this."