Watch this Florida man hold his one-year-old son up as a human shield while police close in.
Graphic warning, the guy gets tased while holding the kid.
The guy getting tased is Brandon Leohner who allegedly kidnapped his son from his girlfriend at gunpoint. He then was spotted driving recklessly with the kid on his lap, crossing over medians and speeding on the highway.
Maybe he was letting the kid drive?

He refused to pull over when the police attempted a traffic stop, careening into oncoming traffic.
Eventually, he pulled into a McDonald's because evading the police works up an appetite I guess.
That's where the video picks up, as he exits the car with his son and gets tased.
Honestly, I'm not sure what's worse here: the cowardice of the guy holding his son up as a human shield or the irresponsibility of the police officer tasing a guy while he was holding a toddler.
I understand the police were in a hard situation, but does this officer even know how electricity works? He essentially just tased a one-year-old kid.
There's no way that doesn't wind up in a lawsuit and a suspension.
What was he thinking?

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