Lyndsey Jane Kennedy has a thing for storm drains, and she's had to be rescued from them three times in the last two years.
It started back in March of 2021 when she was swimming in a canal, which already sounds like a bad idea in Florida.

She saw a doorway in a shallow part of the canal and got curious. The doorway led to a tunnel and then another tunnel, and before she knew it, she was lost in the sewers.
Kennedy wandered in the sewers for three weeks.
She said that she survived on an unopened can of ginger ale she found while looking for a way out to the surface.
The next incidence occurred in May 2021 in Texas. She had checked into a rehab facility, but disappeared. At one point, police spotted her, but when they approached, she slipped into a storm drain.

Her family lured her out with packages of food and Gatorade, which they dropped in manholes near where her phone tracking app last showed her location. She was missing four days that round.
The most recent event took place back in Florida. This time someone saw her swimming in a canal and called to report a swimmer in distress because, like I previously mentioned, you would have to be desperate or crazy to swim in a Florida canal.

Officers responded before Kennedy could get lost, but she fled from them through the sewers. They managed to trap her between two pipes and extract her once again from the storm drain.
I'm not entirely sure what the lure of the sewers is for Kennedy, but she also has a record of other odd crimes. In July of 2021, she stole some beer from a convenience store then drove her car into oncoming traffic, crashed, injured her passenger and others, and fled the scene.
When officers asked her what happened, she said, "I'm no snitch" and refused to answer anymore questions. She was driving on a suspended license.
In fact, her driver's license has been suspended 17 times from 2007-2020.

I think it's time to stop beating around the bush with this woman and get her some help.
If not, nature's going to work itself out.