Cottage cheese is having a bit of a moment right now as the latest trendy superfood. It's delicious, high in protein, and incredibly versatile.
Call up your grannies and let them know that their pear salad is back in style for the first time since Jello was introduced.

The latest cottage cheese internet sensation is the cheesy twist on every child's favorite breakfast, cinnamon toast.
As a mom living in the Bidenomic era, I make a lot of cinnamon toast, so this recipe was right up my alley. Very few ingredients (all of which I already had on hand) and the added bonus of cottage cheese being both trendy and high in protein? Say no more.
I followed the Taste of Home version of the recipe:
- 2 slices bread
- 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 cup cottage cheese
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
I blended all the topping ingredients together as the recipe said to do, but since I don't have an air fryer, I used the most underrated appliance, the toaster oven, to toast the bread.
This took much longer than anticipated, but in the end, the cheese mixture did melt together as expected.
I did not take any pictures of the finished product for this taste test, because honestly, it was nothing to look at. It also was not much to taste, either.
Blending the cheese and cinnamon sugar together seemed to cancel each other out.

Several of the reviews I read about the trendy toast said that it tastes like cheesecake. This is true as far as there was cheese and sugar mixed together, but it was very bland. Cheesecake is also much heavier and, needless to say, much more delicious than any kind of toast.
Also, have you ever eaten cheesecake straight out of the oven? Me neither. Maybe I would have gotten the cheesecake taste had I baked the toast and then refrigerated it. But refrigerating toast seems strange.
Do I think cottage cheese toast is the next avocado toast? Not by a long shot. But was it a decent way to consume cottage cheese? Sure, but it's definitely nothing to write home about.
If you do want an unusual cottage cheese treat, I personally recommend a big spoonful of cold cottage cheese cookie dough.
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