I know Mike Pence isn't everyone's favorite Vice President, but he got in such a zinger at Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's expense that the Biden administration is demanding an apology.
The joke was delivered at a Grid Iron Club dinner in Washington for journalists and politicians.
Here's the set up:
[Buttigieg] took two months ‘maternity' leave whereupon thousands of travelers were stranded in airports, the air traffic system shut down, and airplanes nearly collided on our runways.
Pete is the only person in human history to have a child and everyone else gets postpartum depression.

The White House called the joke "homophobic" because if you didn't know Pete Buttigieg is gay, so any joke at his expense is clearly homophobic.
Buttigieg's significant other, Chasten, jumped into the fray trying to drum up sympathy for the Transport Secretary's absence during a national crisis, reminding us that their twins were born prematurely:
Now, I'm all for compassion, but let's not pretend Chasten or Pete's attendance at the hospital was at all "necessary."
They employed a surrogate mother. Buying children was a choice they made to virtue signal and normalize gay marriage in the public eye, nothing more.
And if they were celebrities, we could have all rolled our eyes and ignored it.

But Pete Buttigieg is a high-ranking government official who is supposed to be ensuring the safety of the American people.
He has a duty that goes beyond family.
Consider for example, how many military members miss the births of their children, including premature births because of duty?
And how many families going through an identical crisis missed being with each other and had their safety threatened because they were stranded at airports while Pete Buttigieg was virtue-signaling.

But we're not supposed to criticize him because he‘s gay married.
Pence's former chief of staff summed up the trouble with the Left's response pretty well, calling it faux outrage:
However, I think both sides are missing an important fact in the conversation.
Pete Buttigieg has proven over and over that his lack of experience makes him utterly unqualified for the job he has. The airline crisis while he was on vacation hasn't really dissipated since he came back to work.
In fact, every aspect of transportation in the country is now in crisis.
Personally, I think it would help us all out if Buttigieg would take a permanent parental leave.