I kid you not: “Gay Furry Hackers” took credit for hacking the Heritage Foundation in search of Project 2025 plans
· Jul 13, 2024 · NottheBee.com

There's a new player in the cyber circus: a collective of self-proclaimed "gay furry hackers" called SiegedSec, who have claimed they've breached the Heritage Foundation's online databases in search of the dreaded Project 2025 playbook.

Why? In the fight for transgender rights, or something, as part of their #OpTransRights campaign.

SiegedSec announced their little escapade on Telegram, calling Project 2025 "an authoritarian Christian nationalist plan to reform the United States government." The group has also gone after Real America's Voice, the Hillsong Church, and even a Minnesota pastor after he committed the crime of "anti-transgender remarks."

One of SiegedSec's leaders, who goes by "vio," told The Intercept, "We're strongly against Project 2025 and everything the Heritage Foundation stands for."

If you haven't heard, this random conservative policy plan from the think tank has been used by the Biden admin to tell us that America will be destroyed if Trump gets elected.

According to SiegedSec, who have also been busy targeting NATO and Israeli companies, the majority of their 200GB of stolen data is "mostly useless."

With these kinds of stories going viral, if you're worried about getting hacked, when in doubt, the Hillary Clinton strategy never fails.

Grab a hammer, and get smashing!

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