Guys, it's all about "equity" now, don't you know?
And what says "equity" more than ... forcing a young woman who just gave birth to show up for an exam days after giving birth. Doesn't that just seem fair?
That's the story of Brittany Lovely.
Won't someone think of the poor "non-birthing students"?
Yeah, a group of people are making a petition to try to convince the folks at Georgetown that forcing this young mother to take this exam on campus within days of giving birth is, you know, insane!
Brittany requested to either take the exam early, before giving birth, or at home after giving birth. But the school is going to force her to bring her baby to class to take the exam with her DAYS after birth.
But don't worry, it isn't totally crazy. They aren't giving her absolutely no accommodations.
Georgetown Law suggested Brittany bring her days-old child to campus a few days after birth, with minimal recovery, to take the exam with more time so she can breastfeed her newborn baby during the exam. They told her, "Motherhood is not for the Faint of Heart."
They're going to let her have extra time in the exam to breastfeed. Isn't that nice of them?
Because when I'm taking a law exam, in class, I would love the convenience of stopping, leaving the room (while on the clock) and feeding my 5-day-old baby. Why not?

And then, to add to it all, that departing shot that "Motherhood is not for the Faint of Heart"? What the heck is that?
We used to have a proper society that doted upon new mothers, that would do whatever it took to treat a lady properly. Now they can't even move an exam date at Georgetown law!?
I'm sure if there was an election the day before Georgetown would have let her take the day off and skip the exam, or take it from home.
This really happened at this exact same school.
But they won't give time off to have a baby? You have to bring your brand new baby to a smelly and germy old law school. That's the rules. We don't want our "non-birthing" students put out.
I'm just saying, it seems like our society is going out of its way to be anti-child now.
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