"You cannot expect black women to be perfect and save the world"
This is the excuse from Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, the lady who reportedly hired her lover (who is still married) to be the prosecutor in the Donald Trump election case, despite the fact he's never had any experience in this type of job.
And if you think that it's wrong to show favoritism and hire your friends and family with taxpayer dollars and abuse your power, well that's just racist!
And she said all this in a Sunday church service.
We are at a time in history when you can no longer stand back and just let other folks do it. You cannot expect black women to be perfect and save the world. The Lord is completing us. We are not perfect. We need your prayers. We need to be allowed to stumble. We need grace. With that kind of support we will move mountains and do Jesus' will.
Here's the long and short:
Black women aren't perfect, and I'm sleeping with the unqualified prosecutor I hired, and I'm on a political mission to throw Trump in jail. But you've gotta ignore all that, let me continue to sin and violate all professional ethics.
Because I'm trying to do Jesus's will. Which is to jail Donald Trump.

Looks like Christian Nationalism happening in Atlanta!
What else would you call it when a politician takes the pulpit to platform their case against their political opponent?
I'm sure David French and company are shaking in their boots this time.
Pastor DB Harrison explains Willis' tactics from the religious framework:
Fani Willis knew exactly where to go to get sympathy for her (alleged) adultery: a black church. Urban black churches are heavily influenced by women, have been for decades, so Willis knew that her best shot at saving her reputation was to appeal to the maternalism that is so deeply ingrained in black ecclesiastical culture. This video is not an example of biblical repentance (1 Jn. 1:9). It is merely an attempt to explain away her sin as an unintended consequence of her efforts to "save the world." Perhaps someone should tell Ms. Willis that the job of Savior of the world is already taken (1 Jn. 4:14), so that she doesn't waste any more of her precious time and energy on that futile pursuit.
Here's the summary of her appeal in a simpler context:
As any legal expert will tell you, Fani is violating codes of ethics and probably breaking the law.
All because Orange Man Bad™.
If we live in anything like a fair judicial system, this case is now OVER.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇