German hospital patient jailed after turning off neighbor’s oxygen machine because it was "too noisy"
· Dec 7, 2022 ·

A 72-year-old woman in Germany was arrested after turning off the oxygen machine hooked up to the 79-year-old woman in the adjacent hospital bed.

After turning it off one time around 8:00 pm, the staff told her what the machine was and presumably asked her nicely not to touch it again.

According to a statement by the police headquarters and public prosecutor's office in Mannheim,

Although the suspect was informed by hospital staff that the oxygen supply was a vital measure, she allegedly turned off the device again at around 9:00 pm.

So this crazy woman turned off her neighbor's vital oxygen supply not once, but twice in one hour because it was annoying her.

The woman was later released from the hospital to a correctional facility where hopefully she will regain her moral consciousness.

The other woman had to be resuscitated after losing her oxygen supply and as of the most recent reports is still getting intensive medical care.

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