This is a story about a goose named Arnold and his best mate named Amelia.
Arnold and Amelia live on a pond near The Cape Wildlife Center, a branch of New England Wildlife Centers in Barnstable, Massachusetts, and have been mates for years.
A few weeks ago, poor Arnold was seen limping. He was examined by a veterinary team and they decided that surgery would give him the best chance for survival.
"Upon exam our veterinary team found that he had two open-fractures on his foot. This means that the tissue and skin has been pulled away, leaving the bone exposed. Our best guess is that a Snapping turtle or other predator attacked him while swimming," the wildlife center wrote on Facebook.
Arnold was brought into the surgery room, and while he was being sedated, the last thing he may have heard was his mate Amelia, "tap, tap, tapping" at the clinic door.

"We turned to see that his mate had waddled up onto the porch and was attempting to break into our clinic!... She remained there throughout the entire procedure, watching us work, never moving from the doorway," the center explained.
If that's not true love, I don't know what is.
Once the surgery was complete and Arnold woke up from the anesthesia, they let him recover by the doorway where his mate was still waiting for him.
Oh, my heart.
"His mate immediately calmed down and began to groom him through the door. They both seemed much more at ease in each other's presence," they said.
Although Arnold will need a few weeks of treatment and rest before joining Amelia back in their pond, the center said they will perform bandage changes and treatments near the door so Amelia can keep a close eye on him.