South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's response to the pandemic was an eminently American response. So of course the liberal media tried to crucify her for it.
But, as they say, you can't argue with results.
That's how it's done, ladies and gents, in my humble opinion.
We are seeing in living color the myriad terrible consequences of draconian lockdown orders. They may not be as easily quantifiable on a chart or graph, but we see them in our neighborhoods and schools and churches every day. People's lives have been turned upside down and, in many cases, destroyed — not by a virus, but by state governments with authoritarian strategies.
Noem's strategy, on the other hand, can, I think, can be summed up nicely in this one paragraph from an op-ed she wrote for the Wall Street Journal in December:
Rather than following the pack and mandating harsh rules, South Dakota provides our residents with information about what is happening on the ground in our state—the science, facts and data. Then, we ask all South Dakotans to take personal responsibility for their health, the health of their loved ones, and—in turn—the health of our communities. The state hasn't issued lockdowns or mask mandates. We haven't shut down businesses or closed churches. In fact, our state has never even defined what an "essential business" is. That isn't the government's role.
Provide free people accurate information and then trust free people to make their own decisions based on their own unique circumstances?